SMTOWN 서비스를 이용하시는 회원 여러분께 '개인정보 처리방침' 개정에 대해 안내 드립니다.
아래 '개인정보 처리방침' 변경 사항을 확인하시고, 서비스 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다.
1. 변경사유
서비스별로 파편화된 개인정보 처리방침 일원화 및 관련 법 개정 등 반영하여 변경
2. 주요 변경사항
관련 법 개정 및 개인정보보호위원회의 개인정보 처리방침 작성지침(2024. 4. 개정)을 반영하여 문구 추가 및 변경, 개인정보보호책임자 변경 등이 이루어졌습니다.
<세부 사항>
-추가 사항
개인정보처리방침의 의의, 만 14세 미만 아동의 개인정보 처리에 관한 사항, 개인정보의 국외 수집 및 이전에 관한 사항, 정보주체 및 법정대리인의 권리ㆍ의무 및 행사방법에 관한 사항, 개인정보의 추가적인 이용ㆍ제공, 개인위치정보의 처리
-변경 사항
개인정보의 처리 목적 일부 변경, 처리하는 개인정보 항목 일부 변경(불필요한 수집 항목 삭제 등), 개인정보의 처리 및 보유 기간 일부 변경, 개인정보의 제3자 제공에 관한 사항 일부 변경, 개인정보의 기술적/관리적 보호 대책 일부 변경, 개인정보 보호책임자 및 담당자 변경, 이용자의 권익침해에 대한 구제방법 일부 변경
3. 변경 일자
- 공지 게재일: 2025년 2월 21일
- 개정 시행: 2025년 2월 28일
4. 이의제기 및 문의
변경된 ‘개인정보처리방침’의 내용에 동의하지 않으실 경우 회원 탈퇴를 요청하실 수 있으며,
문의사항이 있으실 경우 고객센터로 접수해 주시면 안내해 드리겠습니다.
This is SMTOWN.
『aespa LIVE TOUR 2023 ‘SYNK : HYPER LINE’ in BERLIN』 will be held at the “Columbiahalle Gastro-und Betriebs Gmbh” in BERLIN on September 25th, 2023.
The Stamp issuing process has changed from META-PASSPORT APP to SMTOWN APP GPS Verification.
You can get the DIGITAL STAMP with the location verification system in the NEW SMTOWN APP.
Please refer to the following details if you are attending the 『aespa LIVE TOUR 2023 ‘SYNK : HYPER LINE’ in BERLIN』.
Thank you.
🕰️ Time & Date information to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- September 25th, 2023 (MON) 09:00 - 23:50 (CEST)
※ Schedules above are subject to change due to various circumstances.
🖼️ How to get the DIGITAL STAMP in the NEW SMTOWN APP
STEP 1. Update and sign in (Log in) to SMTOWN APP
STEP 2. Main > Hit ‘PASSPORT’ button
STEP 3. Hit ‘STAMP’ icon at the right bottom in the ‘PASSPORT’ screen.
(Allow access at ‘Settings’ > SMTOWN > Location > ‘Always ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS’)
STEP 4. Click the ‘Location verification’ button and get the Stamp!
❗️ Guidance
If you receive an error when getting a ‘STAMP’, please check the detail as below.
1. Please check the network status in your mobile device.
If your mobile data or Wi-Fi network is unstable, then the ‘STAMP’ might not be issued.
2. Please check your location.
Check your location information access in your smartphone, and then check your location within 500m from the venue.
📍 Where to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- Within 500m from the venue at the “Columbiahalle Gastro-und Betriebs Gmbh” in BERLIN.
(Please try the Location Verification near the concert hall as possible to avoid any interruptions in collecting STAMP)
Update the MUSIC NATION SMTOWN App first, and get the STAMP at the site!
This is SMTOWN.
『SMTOWN LIVE 2023 SMCU PALACE @JAKARTA with KB Bank』 will be held at the “GBK Stadium(Gelora Bung Karno Stadium)” in JAKARTA on September 23th, 2023.
The Stamp issuing process has changed from META-PASSPORT APP to SMTOWN APP GPS Verification.
You can get the DIGITAL STAMP with the location verification system in the NEW SMTOWN APP.
Please refer to the following details if you are attending the 『SMTOWN LIVE 2023 SMCU PALACE @JAKARTA with KB Bank』.
Thank you.
🕰️ Time & Date information to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- September 23th, 2023 (SAT) 09:00 - 23:50 (WIB)
※ Schedules above are subject to change due to various circumstances.
🖼️ How to get the DIGITAL STAMP in the NEW SMTOWN APP
STEP 1. Update and sign in (Log in) to SMTOWN APP
STEP 2. HOME > Hit ‘PASSPORT’ button
STEP 3. Hit ‘STAMP’ icon at the right bottom in the ‘PASSPORT’ screen.
(Allow access at ‘Settings’ > SMTOWN > Location > ‘Always ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS’)
STEP 4. Click the ‘Location verification’ button and get the Stamp!
When you receive an error when getting a ‘STAMP’, please check the detail as below.
1. Please check the network status in your mobile device.
If your smartphone data or Wi-Fi network is unstable, then the ‘STAMP’ might not be issued.
2. Please check your location.
Check your location information access in your smartphone, and then check your location within 500m from the venue.
📍 Where to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- Within 500m from the venue at the “GBK Stadium(Gelora Bung Karno Stadium)” in JAKARTA
(Please try the Location Verification near the concert hall as possible to avoid any interruptions in collecting STAMP)
Update the SMTOWN App first, and get the STAMP at the site!
This is SMTOWN.
『2023 CHEN’s B DAY [Love Words]』 will be held at the “SHINHAN PLAY SQAURE LIVE HALL” in SEOUL on September 21th, 2023.
The Stamp issuing process has changed from META-PASSPORT APP to SMTOWN APP GPS Verification.
You can get the DIGITAL STAMP with the location verification system in the NEW SMTOWN APP.
Please refer to the following details if you are attending the 『2023 CHEN’s B DAY [Love Words]』.
Thank you.
🕰️ Time & Date information to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- September 21th, 2023 (THU) 09:00 - 23:50 (KST)
※ Schedules above are subject to change due to various circumstances.
🖼️ How to get the DIGITAL STAMP in the NEW SMTOWN APP
STEP 1. Update and sign in(Log in) to SMTOWN APP
STEP 2. HOME > Hit ‘PASSPORT’ button
STEP 3. Hit ‘STAMP’ icon at the right bottom in the ‘PASSPORT’ screen.
(Allow access at ‘Settings’ > SMTOWN > Location > ‘Always ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS’)
STEP 4. Click the ‘Location verification’ button and get the Stamp!
✔️ Guidance
If you receive an error when getting a ‘STAMP’, please check the detail as below.
1. Please check the network status in your mobile device.
If your mobile data or Wi-Fi network is unstable, then the ‘STAMP’ might not be issued.
2. Please check your location.
Check your location information access in your smartphone, and then check your location within 500m from the venue.
📍 Where to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- Within 500m from the venue at the SHINHAN PLAY SQAURE LIVE HALL in SEOUL.
(Please try the Location Verification near the concert hall as possible to avoid any interruptions in collecting STAMP)
Update the MUSIC NATION SMTOWN App first, and get the STAMP at the site!
Hello. This is SMTOWN.
This is to notify you of the changes in the privacy policy regarding SMTOWN services.
1. Reason for the Revision of Privacy Policy
- SMTOWN services have been updated.
- The provisions on sharing and providing personal information within services/entrustment of personal information handling have been revised.
- Items on uncollected personal information have been changed or deleted.
- Some expressions have been changed for a better understanding of the privacy policy.
2. Revised Content of Privacy Policy
Article 1 (Personal Information Collected)
SM Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as the "Company") collects the following personal information for membership registration, consultation, and service application.
①Collected information: Any usage history of Company-provided service such as, Name, login ID, password, email address, service use record, access log, cookie, access IP information, device identification number (device ID), PUSH token, fan club membership information and fan club grade, stamp issuance information, passport issuance information, etc.
※The above information about the device is in a format that cannot identify individuals, and the Company does not engage in activities that identify individuals based on the information collected.
②Methods of collection: website (membership registration, audition application, event participation, delivery request), written form, etc.
Article 2 (Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information)
Company uses the personal information collected for the following purposes.
①Implementation of terms and conditions relating to services provided and settlement of charges for services provided: Provision of contents, invoice delivery, purchase and payment of charges, and shipping of goods
②Membership Management: Personal identification due to the use of membership service, individual identification, prevention of illegal use or unauthorized use by a suspended member, confirmation of the intent to sign up, confirmation of age, confirmation of the consent of the legal representative of a person under 14 years of age whose personal information is being collected and personal identification of the legal representative in the future, handling of complaints, delivery of announcement, integrated ID management, membership service provision, card issuance, point saving and use settlement, VIP service provision
③Use for Marketing and Advertisement: Development and specialization of new service (product), delivery of advertisement information such as events, provision of service and posting of advertisement pursuant to demographical characteristics, identification of access frequency, and statistics on Members’ use of services
Article 3 (Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information)
In general, the Company destroys personal information without delay when the retention period has expired or when the information is no longer necessary, such as when the original purpose for collecting and using the information has been fulfilled. Nonetheless, if it is necessary to preserve information in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws, the Company must retain the member information for a specific period of time as specified by the applicable laws and regulations.
①Items to maintain: name, login ID, password, email address, service use record, access log, cookie, access IP information, payment record, preferred artist, i-PIN number, legal representative name, i-PIN CI, and member number
A)Display / Advertising Records: 6 months (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
B)Record of contract or withdrawal of contract: 5 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
C)Record of payment and supply of goods: 5 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
D)Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
E)Records of collecting, processing, and using credit information: 3 years (Credit Information Use and Protection Act)
Article 4 (Procedures and Methods for Destruction of Personal Information)
The following is the procedure and method for destroying personal information.
①procedure for destruction
A)After the purpose is achieved, the information entered by the Member for membership registration, etc. is transferred to a separate database (DB) or a separate filing cabinet in the case of paper, and stored for a period of time before being destroyed in accordance with Company guidelines and relevant laws and regulations.
B)Unless otherwise required by law, personal information transferred to a separate database will not be used for any other purpose than to be kept.
②Methods of Destruction
A)Electronically stored personal information is deleted using a technical method that prevents the record from being reproduced.
B)Personal information printed on paper is shredded or incinerated.
Article 5 (Entrustment of Collected Personal Information)
①For the smooth operation of the business, such as providing better services and facilitating customer convenience, the Company entrusts the following personal information handling tasks to an external professional company. During the contract period, the entrusted company keeps the Member's personal information. However, when the relevant laws specify a statutory retention period, the company keeps the Member's personal information for that time period.
②The Company ensures, through the entrustment contract, that the entrusted company complies with personal information protection laws, keeps personal information confidential, does not provide information to third parties, accepts responsibility for accidents, and returns or destroys personal information after the entrustment period or after handling the information.
③The service provider who has been entrusted with personal information
※ Depending on the change in service and the contract period, the entrusted company may change. When there is a change in the service, the company will notify Members in advance.
The company entrusted with personal information for the provision of the service: Amazon Web Service
Entrusted work and the purpose of entrustment: System management through AWS
Contact information of the entrusted company:
The country to which personal information is transferred: Japan (AWS Tokyo Region)
Items of personal information to be transferred: All personal information collected in the process of providing services
Date of personal information transfer: Date of membership registration
Method of personal information transfer: Storage of personal information in AWS cloud computing environment
The length of time to keep and use personal information: Personal information will be retained until membership is withdrawn or until its expiration* date.
*Personal information expires when a Member has not used the service for one year, and measures such as storing information separately are implemented upon expiration.
Article 6 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)
①The Company processes users' personal information only within the scope specified in the purpose of processing personal information, and only transmits personal information to a third party for cases under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the consent of the user and special provisions of the law. Otherwise, the Company does not provide personal information of users to a third party.
②order to provide smooth service in the following cases, the Company discloses personal information to third parties only to the extent necessary with the user's consent.
Recipient of the information : SM Culture & Contents
Purpose of providing the information : Membership verification for member-exclusive reservation of concert and tour packages
Items of information provided : name, login ID, fan club membership information and fan club grade, stamp issuance data, and passport issuance data
Duration of storage and utilization : Until membership cancellation
Recipient of the information : Yes24 Co., Ltd.
Purpose of providing the information : Membership verification pertaining to offline performance reservations
Items of information provided : name, name, login ID, fan club membership information and fan club grade
Duration of storage and utilization : Until membership cancellation
Recipient of the information : SM BRAND MARKETING
Purpose of providing the information : Membership verification associated with the sale of exclusive items to members
Items of information provided : name, login ID, fan club membership information and fan club grade, stamp issuance data, and passport issuance data
Duration of storage and utilization : Until membership cancellation
③In emergency situations such as natural disasters, infectious diseases, events/accidents that pose an imminent threat to life or body, and imminent property loss, the Company must provide personal information to relevant organizations without the consent of the subject of information, in accordance with the personal information handling and protection rules for emergencies jointly announced by the relevant government departments. Please click here* for additional details.
Article 7 (Rights of Users and Legal Representatives and Method of Exercising the rights)
①Users and legal representatives may inquire about or modify the registered personal information of themselves or children under 14 at any time, as well as request membership cancellation.
②Users or legal representatives can view and correct personal information or cancel membership after clicking 'Change Personal Information' (or 'Edit Member Information', etc.) to view and correct personal information of the user or children under 14 years of age or clicking 'Withdraw membership' to cancel membership (withdraw consent) and going through the identity verification process. Or, they can contact the person in charge of managing personal information via email, phone, or letter to make a request, which will be handled expeditiously.
③In the event of a request to correct errors in personal information, the information may not be used or disclosed until the correction has been made.
④If incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, the result of the correction will be immediately communicated to the third party so that the correction can be implemented.
⑤The Company ensures that personal information that has been canceled or deleted at the request of a user or legal representative cannot be viewed or used for any other purpose, in accordance with Article 3.
⑥In the event of a request to suspend the viewing and processing of personal information, users' rights may be restricted in accordance with paragraphs 4 of article 35 and paragraph 2 of article 37 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
Article 8 (Matters Concerning the Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Automatic Collection of Personal Information)
The Company employs "cookies" that frequently store and retrieve user data. The server used to operate the Company's website stores the cookie as a text file on the user's computer's hard drive. The Company employs cookies for the purposes outlined below.
①Objective of using cookies
A)Targeted marketing and personalized services are provided by analyzing the access frequency and visit time of Members and non-Members, identifying users' tastes and interests and tracking their traces, and determining the level of participation in various events and the number of visits, etc.
B)Users have the option of installing cookies. The user can therefore configure their web browser to accept all cookies, check each time a cookie is saved, or reject all cookies.
②Methods to disable cookie settings
A)A user can accept all cookies by selecting the web browser's option, check each allowed cookie before saving it, or reject all cookies.
B)example of cookie configuration for Internet Explorer: select personal information on the Internet options by accessing tools at the top of the web browser
C)If a user declines to accept cookies, it may be difficult to provide services.
Article 9 (Measures for Personal Information)
Article 10 (Additional Use and Provision of Information)
Article 11 (Obligation to Notify when Changing Privacy Policy)
①In the event that additions, deletions, or modifications are made to the content of this privacy policy in accordance with government policy or company policy, the company will provide 7 days' notice via the website prior to the revision.
Article 12 (Complaint handling service related to personal information)
①The Company has designated the following department and a chief privacy officer in order to protect the personal information of customers and respond to complaints involving such information.
-A department responsible for customer service for the protection of personal information: FC Management Unit
-Telephone: 02-6240-9800
-Name of Chief Privacy Officer: Choi, Byung-beom
-Telephone: 02-6240-9800
②Users can report any complaints regarding the protection of personal information that occur while using the Company's services to the chief privacy officer or the responsible department. The Company will respond promptly and adequately to user reports.
Users are encouraged to contact the following organizations to report or seek advice on other personal information violations.
Article 1 (Personal Information Collected)
SM Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as the "Company") collects the following personal information for membership registration, consultation, and service application.
① Collected information
3. Information collected during membership registration: Name, ID, password, email address
4. Information collected during service use: Service usage records, access logs, cookies, IP information, device identification number (device ID), push tokens
※ The above information about the device is in a format that cannot identify individuals, and the company does not engage in activities that identify individuals based on the information collected.
② Collection methods
1. Users consent to personal information collection and personally provide such information during membership registration and service use
2. Users provide personal information during consultation with the customer center, using a webpage, email, fax, phone, etc.
3. Users consent to personal information collection and personally provide such information for audition applications
Article 2 (Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information)
The company uses the personal information collected for the following purposes.
① Performance of Service Contracts: Providing content, sending event gifts, etc.
② Membership Management: Identity verification and personal identification for membership service usage, prevention of unlawful and unauthorized use by malicious users, confirmation of membership registration intentions, confirmation of age over 14, handling of complaints, delivery of announcements, and management of integrated IDs
③ Use for Marketing and Advertisement: Development and specialization of new service (product), delivery of advertisement information such as events, provision of service and posting of advertisement pursuant to demographical characteristics, identification of access frequency, and statistics on members’ use of services
④ Support for users’ audition applications
Article 3 [Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information]
In general, the company destroys personal information without delay when the retention period has expired or when the information is no longer necessary, such as when the original purpose for collecting and using the information has been fulfilled. Nonetheless, if it is necessary to preserve information in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws, the company must retain the member information for a specific period of time as specified by the applicable laws and regulations.
① Items to retain: ID (email address), name, password, service usage records, access logs, cookies, IP information, member number
1. Display / Advertising Records: 6 months (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
2. Record of contract or withdrawal of contract: 5 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
3. Record of payment and supply of goods: 5 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
4. Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
5. Records of collecting, processing, and using credit information: 3 years (Credit Information Use and Protection Act)
Article 4 (Procedures and Methods for Destruction of Personal Information)
The following is the procedure and method for destroying personal information.
① procedure for destruction
1. After the purpose is achieved, the information entered by the member for membership registration, etc. is transferred to a separate database (hereinafter DB) or a separate filing cabinet in the case of paper, and stored for a period of time before being destroyed in accordance with company guidelines and relevant laws and regulations.
2. Unless otherwise required by law, personal information transferred to a separate database will not be used for any other purpose than to be kept.
② Methods of Destruction
1. Electronically stored personal information is deleted using a technical method that prevents the record from being reproduced.
2. Personal information printed on paper is shredded or incinerated.
Article 5 (Entrustment of Collected Personal Information)
① For the smooth operation of the business, such as providing better services and facilitating customer convenience, the company entrusts the following personal information handling tasks to an external professional company. During the contract period, the entrusted company keeps the member's personal information. However, when the relevant laws specify a statutory retention period, the company keeps the member's personal information for that time period.
② The company ensures, through the entrustment contract, that the entrusted company complies with personal information protection laws, keeps personal information confidential, does not provide information to third parties, accepts responsibility for accidents, and returns or destroys personal information after the entrustment period or after handling the information.
③ The service provider who has been entrusted with personal information
※ Depending on the change in service and the contract period, the entrusted company may change. When there is a change in the service, the company will notify members in advance.
1. Domestic entrusted companies
Name of entrusted company: Megazone Cloud Co., Ltd.
Entrusted work and the purpose of entrustment: Operation of AWS services
Name of entrusted company: Hyosung ITX Co., Ltd.
Entrusted work and the purpose of entrustment: Customer consultation operation
2. Overseas entrusted companies
Name of entrusted company: Amazon Web Services
Entrusted work and the purpose of entrustment: System management through AWS
Contact information of the entrusted company:
The country to which personal information is transferred: Japan (AWS Tokyo Region)
Items of personal information to be transferred: All personal information collected in the process of providing services
Date of personal information transfer: Date of membership registration
Method of personal information transfer: Storage of personal information in AWS cloud computing environment
Name of entrusted company: SENDGRID
Entrusted work and the purpose of entrustment: Sending emails for membership registration and password reset
Contact information of the entrusted company:
The country to which personal information is transferred: United States
Items of personal information to be transferred: Name, email
Date of personal information transfer: Date of membership registration
Method of personal information transfer: Sent via network with each service use
Article 6 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)
① The company processes users' personal information only within the scope specified in the purpose of processing personal information and only transmits personal information to a third party for cases under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the consent of the user and special provisions of the law. Otherwise, the company does not provide the personal information of users to a third party.
② Order to provide smooth service in the following cases, the company discloses personal information to third parties only to the extent necessary with the user's consent.
Recipient of the information: SM BRAND MARKETING Co., Ltd.
Purpose of providing the information: Membership verification associated with the sale of exclusive items to members
Items of information provided: Name, ID
Duration of storage and utilization: Until membership cancellation
Article 7 (Rights of Users and Legal Representatives and Method of Exercising the rights): Deleted
Article 7 (Matters Concerning the Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Automatic Collection of Personal Information)
The company employs "cookies" that frequently store and retrieve user data. The server used to operate the company's website stores the cookie as a text file on the user's computer's hard drive. The company employs cookies for the purposes outlined below.
① The objective of using cookies
1. Targeted marketing and personalized services are provided by analyzing the access frequency and visit time of members and non-members, identifying users' tastes and interests and tracking their traces, and determining the level of participation in various events and the number of visits, etc.
2. Users have the option of installing cookies. The user can therefore configure their web browser to accept all cookies, check each time a cookie is saved, or reject all cookies.
② Methods to disable cookie settings
1. A user can accept all cookies by selecting the web browser's option, check each cookie before saving it, or reject all cookies.
2. Methods to disable cookie settings
- Internet Explorer users: [Tools] > [Internet options] > [Privacy] > [Settings]
- Chrome users: [Settings] > [Show advanced settings] > [Privacy and security] > [Cookies and other site data]
3. If a user declines to accept cookies, it may be difficult to provide services.
Article 8 (Measures for Personal Information): Changed Number
Article 9 (Additional Use and Provision of Information): Changed Number
Article 10 (Obligation to Notify when Changing Privacy Policy)
① In the event of additions, deletions, or other revisions to the content of this privacy policy in accordance with government policy or company policy, the company will make an announcement of such changes on the first page of the service website of the service at least 7 days in advance. As for changes that are disadvantageous to users, the company will make announcements to users with a period of at least 30 days in advance, and ensure that the differences before and after the revision are clearly presented and easily understood by users.
Article 11 (Complaint handling service related to personal information)
① The company has designated the following department and a chief privacy officer in order to protect the personal information of customers and respond to complaints involving such information.
- Name of Chief Privacy Officer: Choi Byung-beom
- Telephone: 82-2-6240-9800
- email:
② Users can report any complaints regarding the protection of personal information that occur while using the company's services to the chief privacy officer or the responsible department. The company will respond promptly and adequately to user reports. Users are encouraged to contact the following organizations to report or seek advice on other personal information violations.
3. Privacy Policy Revision Schedule
- Notification Announcement Date: September 19, 2023
- Revision Enforcement Date: September 26, 2023
Please refer to the above in using our services.
Thank you.
Hello. This is SMTOWN.
This is to notify you of the changes in the terms and conditions regarding SMTOWN services.
1. Reason for the Revision of Privacy Policy
- Various features have been added through SMTOWN app update.
- Services that use SMTOWN account login system have been terminated.
- Spacing, typos, and some expressions have been corrected
2. Revised Content of Terms and Conditions
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these terms and conditions is to stipulate conditions for the provision and use of member services provided by SM Entertainment Co., Ltd. (henceforth referred to as the "Company"), matters and procedures related to membership registration, and any other pertinent matters.
Article 2 (Effect of Terms and Conditions)
①In accordance with Article 32 of the Telecommunications Business Act, these terms and conditions become effective when posted on the service screen or communicated to members via other means, such as email.
②These terms and conditions may be modified by the Company, with the new terms taking effect upon posting or notification of the change.
Article 4 (Definition of Terms)
The terms used in these terms and conditions are defined as follows.
①Member: Customers who have signed a membership contract with the Company, as well as those who have signed up for membership on the website.
②ID (e-mail): The email address used during membership signup
③Password: A combination of words/numbers/symbols established by the Member to safeguard the Member's data.
Article 5 (Membership Sign-up Procedure, Consent of Company, Conclusion of Terms and Conditions)
①Membership application is made by filling out an online application form.
②The Company approves the membership application when the applicant provides the required information on the membership application form in accordance with Paragraph 1. However, the Company may delay its approval of the application in the following circumstances.
A)technical issues with the application's approval
B)the applicant used an alias or another person's name
C)the applicant provided false information for the required information when signing up for membership
D)the applicant intends to harm the peace, order, or good customs of the society
E)the applicant does not meet the conditions for application set forth by the Company
F)the applicant had lost the membership status previously by these terms and conditions; however, not if the Company approves the Member's membership application one year after the loss of membership
G)the Company has sufficient grounds to delay the application's approval
③If the user clicks "sign up" button during the registration process, they are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.
Article 6 (Contents of Service)
The Company provides services, including discounts, to Members who utilize the Company's overall facilities; service-specific information will be posted separately on the homepage. If a Member registers for additional services, such as "SMTOWN OFFICIAL FANCLUB," the service's terms and conditions may apply in addition.
Article 8 (Obligations for Member ID and Password Management)
①The Member is solely responsible for managing his or her ID (e-mail) and password.
②The Member assumes full responsibility for the consequences of negligent management of the Member's ID (e-mail address) and password, as well as illegal use.
③In the event that the ID (e-mail) is illegally used, the Member must notify the Company.
Article 9 (Change of Member Information)
①Members have complete access to their personal information and can update it at any time. Personal information, such as a person's real name, which is required for service management, cannot be changed.
Article 10 (Obligations of Member)
①The Member shall observe matters notified by the Company, such as applicable laws, provisions of these terms and conditions, the user guide, and warnings, and shall not engage in conduct that disrupts the operation of the Company.
②The Member may not engage in any for-profit activity using the Company's services without the prior consent of the Company.
③The Member may not copy, reproduce, change, translate, publish, broadcast, or otherwise use the information obtained through the service or provide it to others without the Company's prior consent.
④The Member is prohibited from engaging in the following activities in relation to the use of the Company's service:
A)Illegal use of another Member's ID (e-mail)
B)Any act with the intent to commit a crime or other acts related to a crime
C)Any act that is detrimental to good custom or social order
D)Defamation or humiliation of any other person
E)Any act that violates the rights of any other person, such as intellectual property
F)Any act of hacking or virus distribution
G)Any act of transmitting advertisements against the will of any other individual
H)Any act that disrupts or threatens to disrupt the stable operation of the services
I)Providing the mobile telephone number registered under another person's name as part of the Member's personal information or providing his or her own mobile telephone number to be registered as part of another individual's personal information
J)Any act that violates other applicable laws
Article 11 (Provision of Information and Posting of Advertisements)
①The Company may provide various information to Members by posting it on the website while operating the service.
②The Company may post advertisements on the website, via e-mail, or via text message in connection with the operation of the service.
Article 12 (Entrustment of Personal Information Processing)
In general, the Company handles and manages collected personal information on its own, but if necessary, it may delegate in part or all of its work to an agency. The details of an agency can be found on the Company's website under "privacy policy."
Article 14 (Deletion of Postings and Contents)
The Company may delete postings or contents of the service without prior notice or consent if they violate the provisions of Article 10 or have expired according to the Company's policy on the retention period for postings.
Article 15 (Rights and Responsibilities Relating to Contents Posted)
The Member who posted the content holds all rights and responsibilities, including copyright, for the posted content.
Article 16 (Termination of the Agreement and Restriction of Use)
①If a Member wishes to terminate the Service Use Agreement, the Member must submit a termination request to the Company through the website service at least one day prior to the termination date. However, the Member can submit the termination two days before the holiday begins if the intended date of termination is a legal holiday.
②If the Member violates Article 10 or any other provision of these terms and conditions and fails to remedy the violation within the time specified by the Company, the Company may terminate the Service Use Agreement.
③If the Member violates these terms and conditions or disrupts the normal operation of the services, the Company may restrict the Member's use of the services progressively, beginning with a warning and progressing to temporary suspension and permanent suspension.
Article 17 (Compensation for Damage related to Free Service)
Article 18 (Indemnification and Compensation)
③Members are responsible for any damage resulting from the negligent management and use of their ID (e-mail) and password, as well as any unauthorized use of their ID and password by a third party.
④If the Company is liable to the Member or a third party and suffers damages as a result of a Member's violation of Article 10 or other provisions of these terms and conditions, the Member who violated these terms shall compensate the Company for any damages and indemnify the Company against such damages.
Article 19 (Limitation of Liability)
Article 20 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between SM Entertainment Co., Ltd. (henceforth referred to as the "Company") and users in relation to SMTOWN services and usage thereof provided by the Company.
Article 2 (Effect of Terms of Use)
① The Company notifies users of these Terms and Conditions by posting on the first page of the service website, membership registration page, or menu, or by sending push notifications or emails. Thereafter, the terms of use will become effective.
② If necessary, the Company may make revisions to these Terms and Conditions within the scope not violating relevant laws.
③ When making revisions to these Terms and Conditions, the Company notifies the revised Terms and Conditions, along with the currently effective Terms and Conditions, at least 7 days before the effective date of the revised Terms and Conditions, with the application date and reasons for the revision specified. However, in the event that the revised content significantly affects the rights and obligations of the members, the revision will individually be sent to members via email or notification means within the service 30 days before the application date.
④ Even though the Company has announced in accordance with the preceding paragraph or announced during notification that failure to express intention of refusal until 7 days after the effective date of the revised Terms and Conditions will be deemed as an acceptance of the revision if a member does not express any intention of refusal, the member is deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms and Conditions. If a member does not agree to the revised Terms and Conditions, they may terminate the Service Use Agreement in accordance with Article 14 herein.
⑤ Members may not agree or disagree with only a part of these Terms and Conditions.
⑥ Even though the Company has carried out the obligations under this Article, if a member suffers damage due to their lack of knowledge of the revision of the Terms and Conditions, the Company will not be held liable for such damage, unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company.
Article 4 (Definition of Terms)
① The terms used in these Terms and Conditions are defined as follows.
1. Service: Refers to all services and functions provided by the Company under these Terms and Conditions.
2. User: Refers to members and non-members using the service.
3. Member: Refers to a person who signs up as a member in accordance with Article 5 herein and uses the service.
4. ID: Refers to the email address used during membership signup.
5. Password: Refer to a combination of words/numbers/symbols set by members to safeguard their data.
6. Log record: Refers to IP addresses, access times, etc. automatically generated as users use the service.
② The meaning of terms not defined in paragraph (1) follows general practices.
Article 5 (Formation of the Agreement)
① The application for service use is made when a person who intends to use the service (henceforth referred to as the “Applicant”) enters certain information in the signup application form on the SMTOWN website’s signup page.
② The Company approves the membership application when the applicant provides the required information on the membership application form in accordance with Paragraph 1. However, the Company may disapprove or delay its approval of the application in the following circumstances.
1. Technical issues with the application's approval
2. The applicant used an alias or another person's name
3. The applicant provided false information for the required information when signing up for membership
4. The applicant does not meet the conditions for application set forth by the Company
5. The applicant intends to harm the peace, order, or good customs of the society
6. The applicant does not meet the conditions for application set forth by the Company
7. The applicant had lost the membership status previously by these terms and conditions; however, not if the Company approves the member's membership application one year after the loss of membership
8. The Company has sufficient grounds to delay the application's approval.
9. The Company prohibits applications by users under the age of 14. By explicitly agreeing to the statement that they are over the age of 14, the applicant represents and warrants that they are over the age of 14.
③ If the user clicks "sign up" during the registration process, they are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.
Article 6 (Contents of Service)
The Company provides services, including discounts, to members who utilize the Company's overall facilities; service-specific information will be posted separately on the homepage.
Article 8 (Obligations for Member ID and Password Management)
① The Company endeavors to protect the member’s personal information as set forth in relevant laws. Protection and use of personal information are governed by relevant laws and the Company’s privacy policy.
② Members are responsible for the management of the ID, password, and other personal information, and therefore must not transfer or lend such information to others. Members are advised to take measures to prevent such information from being leaked. When becoming aware that their ID or password is used by another person, the member should immediately notify the customer center, and follow any instructions provided.
③ The Company will not be held liable for any damage caused by the member's failure to carry out paragraph (2) unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company.
Article 9 (Change of Member Information)
① Members have complete access to their personal information and can update it at any time.
Article 10 (Obligations of Member)
④ The Member is prohibited from engaging in the following activities in relation to the use of the Company's service:
1. Illegal use of another Member's ID
2. Any act with the intent to commit a crime or other acts related to a crime
3. Any act that is detrimental to good custom or social order
4. Character defamation or humiliation
5. Any act that violates the rights of another person, such as intellectual property
6. Any act of hacking or virus distribution
7. Any act of transmitting advertisements against the will of another individual
8. Any act that disrupts or threatens to disrupt the stable operation of the services
9. Any act that violates other applicable laws
Article 11 (Provision of Information and Posting of Advertisements)
① The Company may provide various information to members by posting it on the service screen while operating the service.
② The Company may post advertisements on the service screen or via email addresses in connection with the operation of the service.
Article 12 (Entrustment of Personal Information Processing)
In general, the Company handles and manages collected personal information on its own, but if necessary, it may delegate some or all of its work to an agency. For more information on personal information processing, please refer to the Company’s privacy policy.
Article 14 (Deletion of Postings and Contents) - Deleted
Article 15 (Rights and Responsibilities Relating to Contents Posted) – Deleted
Article 14 (Termination of the Agreement and Restriction of Use)
① If a member intends to terminate the Service Use Agreement, they may log into their account and click the "Delete Account" button at any time to request to cancel membership. However, membership cancellation will be pending for 30 days after clicking the "Delete Account" button, and the membership cancellation may be withdrawn during this period.
② If the Member violates these terms and conditions and fails to remedy the violation within the time specified by the company, the Company may terminate the Service Use Agreement.
Article 15 (Free Services)
Article 16 (Indemnification and Compensation)
③ Members are responsible for any damage resulting from the negligent management and use of their member ID and password, as well as any unauthorized use of their ID and password by a third party.
④ If the company is liable to the member or a third party and suffers damages as a result of a member's violation of these terms and conditions, the member who violated these terms shall compensate the company for any damages and indemnify the company against such damages.
Article 17 (Limitation of Liability): Changed number
Article 18 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction): Changed number
3. Terms and Conditions Revision Schedule
- Notification Announcement Date: September 19, 2023
- Revision Enforcement Date: September 26, 2023
Please refer to the above in using our services.
Thank you.
This is SMTOWN.
『2023 KEY’s B DAY [PROJECT : PRE B DAY]』 will be held at the “YONSEI UNIVERSITY THE CENTENNIAL HALL” in SEOUL on September 19th, 2023.
The Stamp issuing process has changed from META-PASSPORT APP to SMTOWN APP GPS Verification.
You can get the DIGITAL STAMP with the location verification system in the NEW SMTOWN APP.
Please refer to the following details if you are attending the 『2023 KEY’s B DAY [PROJECT : PRE B DAY]』.
Thank you.
🕰️ Time & Date information to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- September 19th, 2023 (TUE) 09:00 - 23:50 (KST)
※ Schedules above are subject to change due to various circumstances.
🖼️ How to get the DIGITAL STAMP in the NEW SMTOWN APP
STEP 1. Update and sign in(Log in) to SMTOWN APP
STEP 2. HOME > Hit ‘PASSPORT’ button
STEP 3. Hit ‘STAMP’ icon at the right bottom in the ‘PASSPORT’ screen.
(Allow access at ‘Settings’ > SMTOWN > Location > ‘Always ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS’)
STEP 4. Click the ‘Location verification’ button and get the Stamp!
✔️ Guidance
If you receive an error when getting a ‘STAMP’, please check the detail as below.
1. Please check the network status in your mobile device.
If your mobile data or Wi-Fi network is unstable, then the ‘STAMP’ might not be issued.
2. Please check your location.
Check your location information access in your smartphone, and then check your location within 500m from the venue.
📍 Where to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- Within 500m from the venue at the YONSEI UNIVERSITY THE CENTENNIAL HALL in SEOUL.
(Please try the Location Verification near the concert hall as possible to avoid any interruptions in collecting STAMP)
Update the MUSIC NATION SMTOWN App first, and get the STAMP at the site!
This is SMTOWN.
『2023 YURI 2nd FANMEETING TOUR [Chapter 2] in TOKYO』 will be held at the “Zepp Haneda(TOKYO)” in JAPAN on September 17th, 2023.
The Stamp issuing process has changed from META-PASSPORT APP to SMTOWN APP GPS Verification.
You can get the DIGITAL STAMP with the location verification system in the NEW SMTOWN APP.
Please refer to the following details if you are attending the 『2023 YURI 2nd FANMEETING TOUR [Chapter 2] in TOKYO』.
Thank you.
🕰️ Time & Date information to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- September 17th, 2023 (SUN) 09:00 - 23:50 (JST)
※ Schedules above are subject to change due to various circumstances.
🖼️ How to get the DIGITAL STAMP in the NEW SMTOWN APP
STEP 1. Update and sign in (Log in) to SMTOWN APP
STEP 2. Main > Hit ‘PASSPORT’ button
STEP 3. Hit ‘STAMP’ icon at the right bottom in the ‘PASSPORT’ screen.
(Allow access at ‘Settings’ > SMTOWN > Location > ‘Always ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS’)
STEP 4. Click the ‘Location verification’ button and get the Stamp!
✔️ Guidance
When you receive an error when getting a ‘STAMP’, please check the detail as below.
1. Please check the network status in your mobile device.
If your smartphone data or Wi-Fi network is unstable, then the ‘STAMP’ might not be issued.
2. Please check your location.
Check your location information access in your smartphone, and then check your location within 500m from the venue.
📍 Where to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- Within 500m from the venue at the Zepp Haneda(TOKYO) in JAPAN
(Please try the Location Verification near the concert hall as possible to avoid any interruptions in collecting STAMP)
Update the MUSIC NATION SMTOWN App first, and get the STAMP at the site!
This is SMTOWN.
『CHEN JAPAN TOUR 2023 - Polaris – in KITAKYUSHU』 will be held at the “Kitakyushu Soleil Hall” in JAPAN on September 16th to September 17th, 2023.
The Stamp issuing process has changed from META-PASSPORT APP to SMTOWN APP GPS Verification.
You can get the DIGITAL STAMP with the location verification system in the NEW SMTOWN APP.
Please refer to the following details if you are attending the 『CHEN JAPAN TOUR 2023 - Polaris – in KITAKYUSHU』.
Thank you.
🕰️ Time & Date information to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- September 16th, 2023 (SAT) 09:00 - 23:50 (JST)
- September 17th, 2023 (SUN) 09:00 - 23:50 (JST)
※ Schedules above are subject to change due to various circumstances.
🖼️ How to get the DIGITAL STAMP in the NEW SMTOWN APP
STEP 1. Update and sign in (Log in) to SMTOWN APP
STEP 2. Main > Hit ‘PASSPORT’ button
STEP 3. Hit ‘STAMP’ icon at the right bottom in the ‘PASSPORT’ screen.
(Allow access at ‘Settings’ > SMTOWN > Location > ‘Always ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS’)
STEP 4. Click the ‘Location verification’ button and get the Stamp!
✔️ Guidance
When you receive an error when getting a ‘STAMP’, please check the detail as below.
1. Please check the network status in your mobile device.
If your smartphone data or Wi-Fi network is unstable, then the ‘STAMP’ might not be issued.
2. Please check your location.
Check your location information access in your smartphone, and then check your location within 500m from the venue.
📍 Where to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- Within 500m from the venue at the Kitakyushu Soleil Hall in JAPAN
(Please try the Location Verification near the concert hall as possible to avoid any interruptions in collecting STAMP)
Update the MUSIC NATION SMTOWN App first, and get the STAMP at the site!
This is SMTOWN.
『NCT STADIUM LIVE ‘NCT NATION : To The World-in JAPAN』 will be held at the “AJINOMOTOSTADIUM(味の素スタジアム長居)” in JAPAN on September 16th to September 17th, 2023.
The Stamp issuing process has changed from META-PASSPORT APP to SMTOWN APP GPS Verification.
You can get the DIGITAL STAMP with the location verification system in the NEW SMTOWN APP.
Please refer to the following details if you are attending the 『NCT STADIUM LIVE ‘NCT NATION : To The World-in JAPAN』.
Thank you.
🕰️ Time & Date information to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- September 16th, 2023 (SAT) 09:00 - 23:50 (JST)
- September 17th, 2023 (SUN) 09:00 - 23:50 (JST)
※ Schedules above are subject to change due to various circumstances.
🖼️ How to get the DIGITAL STAMP in the NEW SMTOWN APP
STEP 1. Update and sign in (Log in) to SMTOWN APP
STEP 2. HOME > Hit ‘PASSPORT’ button
STEP 3. Hit ‘STAMP’ icon at the right bottom in the ‘PASSPORT’ screen.
(Allow access at ‘Settings’ > SMTOWN > Location > ‘Always ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS’)
STEP 4. Click the ‘Location verification’ button and get the Stamp!
When you receive an error when getting a ‘STAMP’, please check the detail as below.
1. Please check the network status in your mobile device.
If your smartphone data or Wi-Fi network is unstable, then the ‘STAMP’ might not be issued.
2. Please check your location.
Check your location information access in your smartphone, and then check your location within 500m from the venue.
📍 Where to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- Within 500m from the venue at the AJINOMOTOSTADIUM(味の素スタジアム長居) in JAPAN
(Please try the Location Verification near the concert hall as possible to avoid any interruptions in collecting STAMP)
Update the SMTOWN App first, and get the STAMP at the site!
This is SMTOWN.
『aespa LIVE TOUR 2023 ‘SYNK : HYPER LINE’ in SANTIAGO』 will be held at the “Teatro Caupolican” in SANTIAGO on September 14th, 2023.
The Stamp issuing process has changed from META-PASSPORT APP to SMTOWN APP GPS Verification.
You can get the DIGITAL STAMP with the location verification system in the NEW SMTOWN APP.
Please refer to the following details if you are attending the 『aespa LIVE TOUR 2023 ‘SYNK : HYPER LINE’ in SANTIAGO』.
Thank you.
🕰️ Time & Date information to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- September 14th, 2023 (THU) 09:00 - 23:50 (CLDT)
※ Schedules above are subject to change due to various circumstances.
🖼️ How to get the DIGITAL STAMP in the NEW SMTOWN APP
STEP 1. Update and sign in (Log in) to SMTOWN APP
STEP 2. Main > Hit ‘PASSPORT’ button
STEP 3. Hit ‘STAMP’ icon at the right bottom in the ‘PASSPORT’ screen.
(Allow access at ‘Settings’ > SMTOWN > Location > ‘Always ALLOW LOCATION ACCESS’)
STEP 4. Click the ‘Location verification’ button and get the Stamp!
❗️ Guidance
If you receive an error when getting a ‘STAMP’, please check the detail as below.
1. Please check the network status in your mobile device.
If your mobile data or Wi-Fi network is unstable, then the ‘STAMP’ might not be issued.
2. Please check your location.
Check your location information access in your smartphone, and then check your location within 500m from the venue.
📍 Where to get the DIGITAL STAMP
- Within 500m from the venue at the Teatro Caupolican in SANTIAGO.
(Please try the Location Verification near the concert hall as possible to avoid any interruptions in collecting STAMP)
Update the MUSIC NATION SMTOWN App first, and get the STAMP at the site!